Community Development
Program, Inc.
Reaching out to help the less fortunate.

Rural Education Project
Dewende-Africa (DACD) is a non-profit organization formed in 2001 exclusively to build capacity through educating disadvataged youth in rural Dewende Zimbabwe Africa. Created in memory of the late Charles Gonese, brother of program founder Ilyne Burutsa, DACD is staffed solely by volunteer board members. Our goals are:
1) to support education of disadvantaged and orphan children in rural Zimbabwe;
2) to raise awareness among the Zimbabwean diaspora and others about the educational needs of disadvantaged rural Zimbabweans and
3) to expand DACD's collaboration with others.
Our objective for the next several years is to annually raise school fees for at least 50 Zimbabwean elementary school and 20 Zimbabwean high school orphans and disadvantaged children so as to allow them to complete a year's education and/or sit for their graduation exams.

Currently, US$6 pays elementary school fees for one child for a year and US$41 pays high school fees for one child for a year. Nine dollars (US$9) pays final exam fees for a high school child to enable him or her get a high school diploma. These amounts fluctuate because of currency instability in Zimbabwe.

Contact us for volunteer opportunities in support of our annual fundraising event. We welcome suggestions regarding fundraising ideas and opportunities.

Dewende-Africa Community Development Inc.'s mission is to promote survival and development among disadvantaged rural Zimbabweans by supporting educational opportunities.