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Through donations and fundraising activities, Dewende-Africa pays school and exam fees for orphaned or disadvantaged children in the Dewende area of Zimbabwe.  Our team in the United States includes several persons who are part of the Zimbabwe diaspora who have not forgotten the communities from which they come and the hardships endured by too many of their contemporaries.   We are in touch with  community members who reside in Dewende.  This  Dewende Advisory Committee works with the U.S. team to identify the community's greatest needs.   It is the Dewende Advisory Committee who guides what projects the U.S team will take on.  It was the Dewende Advisory Committee team who advised the U.S. team  that supporting elementary and high school orphans and disadvantaged children would best meet current community needs.

Our yearly goal is to raise sufficient school fees for at least 50 Zimbabwean elementary school and 20 high school orphans and disadvantaged children. This allows these children to complete a year's education and sit for the final exams that must be completed before graduation.  Currently, a US$6 donation (ZM$81) will allow one elementary school child to complete a year of school and a US$41 donation (ZM$570) will allow one high school student to complete a year of school.  Nine dollars (US$9) will allow a high school senior to sit for final exams and receive his or her diploma.  Please note that these amounts fluctuate because of currency instability in Zimbabwe. Your donation in any amount goes directly to these children and is greatly appreciated.  We are a verified member of PayPal and have passed PayPal security checks.  PayPal's verification process increases security when you pay parties with whom you are not familiar.

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